News and recipes
Pork, an ally against obesity

Obesity, both in childhood and in adulthood, has become an increasingly present problem in today’s society. A sedentary lifestyle, ultra-processed foods and, in general, unhealthy eating habits are a threat to the health of citizens. That is why the European Union celebrates today the European Day against Obesity .
During the last year, marked by the coronavirus pandemic, the population around the world has also been forced to remain less active, confined to their homes, and many healthy habits have been put on hold by the virus. However, with this confinement, good habits have also grown in homes , such as cooking more at home .
Balanced diet as the basis of good health
When special situations arise that are beyond our control, such as home confinement or the restriction of certain activities, having good basic habits can help us cope with them and maintain good health despite them. One of the most important habits in relation to health is to maintain a balanced diet that not only provides us with all the necessary nutrients, but also maintains our general health.
Thus, in the event that we must spend a period of time with low physical activity or reduced mobility (whether due to exceptional situations such as this pandemic, or due to a physical injury, etc.) iron health and a good diet will help our body to stay as healthy as possible.

Meat, fish and vegetables in the Mediterranean diet
A healthy diet is one that provides our body with all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary for its optimal functioning, and that avoids (or includes very sparingly) those ingredients that directly harm health. That is why the Mediterranean diet is one of the most acclaimed in the world. Its composition based on fresh vegetables, meat and fish , eaten raw or cooked that respect the freshness of the food and maintain its properties, make this diet an ideal prescription for maintaining health at any age.

Pork meat, a Spanish tradition with a lot of health
One of the many advantages of living in this privileged Mediterranean area is to benefit from the tradition in the kitchens of Spanish homes. Stews, stews, rice dishes, roasts and any typical preparation in our culture are characterized not only by their flavor, but by their quality. Even the appetizers! A simple dish of Iberian ham as a starter provides proteins, vitamins and minerals that help the body, among other things, to keep cholesterol levels at bay .
Among the traditional Spanish dishes, a great protagonist is pork , which, thanks to its great versatility, is the main ingredient in simple and elaborate dishes. In addition, the proteins with high biological value of pork, as well as its great contribution of iron, zinc, selenium and group B vitamins help prevent cardiovascular diseases, protect against respiratory infections and help our body to regenerate tissues. like muscles and tendons, adding flavor and health to each bite.